What Is A Bitcoin Node? What Do You Need To Setup Lightning Network?

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What Is A Bitcoin Node? What Do You Need To Setup Lightning Network?

Simply put, the core architecture of the Bitcoin network, which secures and maintains it, is made up of bitcoin nodes. However, despite their significance, Bitcoin nodes are frequently misinterpreted or not interpreted at all. In this post, we’ll shed more light on what a Bitcoin node is and then go on to explain how you can go about setting up a lightning network.

What Is A Node?

A node is often a location on a network. A colleague at work is a node in a professional network, just as an automobile is a node on a web of roads. Nodes are components of a computer system that process, transmit, and store data in the computing world.

Nodes are made up of both hardware and software. The actual components— processors, chips, etc.—needed to run software are referred to as hardware. A set of commands that may be stored and executed by hardware is known as software.

What Is A Bitcoin Network Node?

The software that links to the peer-to-peer bitcoin network is known as a bitcoin node. According to the network rules, nodes receive, broadcast, and validate new transactions. Understanding the two most crucial components of bitcoin, the ledger and the ruleset will help you grasp what a bitcoin node does and how it functions.

The Bitcoin Ledger

A distributed database, the bitcoin ledger is comparable to spreadsheets used as an accounting ledger. The ledger keeps a record of who owns bitcoin and how much, and it retains a record of every bitcoin exchange since bitcoin's inception. Typically referred to as the blockchain of bitcoin, this shared public ledger.

While the Bitcoin ledger is similar to bank ledgers, it doesn't allow any centralized authority or another party to view the identity of either of the two parties engaged in a transaction. In doing so, it maintains privacy in the blockchain. This is exactly why Bitcoin is so popular with people who wish to maintain security and privacy while exchanging money.

The Bitcoin Rulset

A set of rules that specify particular characteristics and operations of bitcoin is known as the bitcoin ruleset. Its creation was unanimously agreed upon by users and is encoded in the Bitcoin code. The ruleset specifies how to validate transactions and blocks, how to verify signatures, whether bitcoin is being spent if a new block appropriately builds on the previous block, how much evidence of work is needed to create a block and other factors.

Different Types Of Bitcoin Nodes

When trying to understand “What is a node” and what its different types are, it's helpful to think in terms of the role each type plays in adding blocks to the blockchain.

Full Node

A full network node takes a transaction when it happens. Full nodes can fully validate all network rules using the Bitcoin software and store the entire blockchain. A full node verifies a transaction's legitimacy by comparing it to the blockchain's past transactions and a set of rules stored in the Bitcoin system.

The complete node broadcasts the transaction to other nodes it is connected to if it is genuine. The same verification procedure is used for these nodes. The transaction is added to a group of other transaction data after a considerable number of complete nodes concur that it is valid.

The pruned full node is one sort of full node that receives blocks from the chain's beginning up to a specific threshold before deleting the oldest blocks. Because the decision tree's subtree was eliminated, the node is referred to be "pruned" because it now occupies less space on the hard drive.

The complete blockchain is hosted by archival full nodes, which consume a lot more hard disk space than the trimmed full node. Additional subcategories are created for archival nodes.


Mining network nodes choose transactions from this pool and then group them into blocks. The Bitcoin software used by miners has unique rules for building and submitting blocks to the network. This covers details like the maximum block size, transaction formatting guidelines, and block signing procedures.

To build the next block, miners race against one another. A miner will broadcast a potential block to another node on the Bitcoin network node once it believes it has produced a legitimate block.

Similar to the process of validating a single payment, full nodes accept the block and validate it by the rules stored in the Bitcoin system that they are now running. When a full node accepts a block as genuine, it adds it to its copy of the blockchain, broadcasts it to the rest of the Bitcoin network, and all other nodes undergo the same verification procedure.

Light Nodes

As the name suggests, lite nodes store a lightweight type of blockchain and operate on a customized version of the Bitcoin software. Block headers are present in this version of the blockchain. This eliminates the need to store the entire history of the Bitcoin network for light nodes to link to it and conduct transactions.

Remember that this implies that light nodes must link to full nodes to obtain the block data because they are unable to independently validate the Bitcoin network's rules.

Everything You Need To Know About The Lightning Network

A layer network called the Lightning network facilitates less expensive and quicker transactions. Bitcoin can scale to thousands of exchanges per second at a small fraction of the cost thanks to this second-layer network. One must link to a Lightning network node to communicate with the Lightning network. To trade on the network, wallets, applications, POS applications etc. all link to a node.

Running a Bitcoin full node is a prerequisite for operating a Bitcoin Lightning node. To verify the successful completion of transactions, the Lightning network node must communicate with the Bitcoin network. Therefore, we will explain how to set up a Bitcoin Lightning network in the following sections.

Why Should You Set Up A Lightning Network?

The Lightning Network uses zero-proof trust and mediation to provide open channels amongst users for quick, inexpensive small payments and to exchange IOUs before settling balances on the blockchain.

Cheaper Transactions

For small enterprises in particular, the Lightning Network means financial independence and significant cost savings. When paying for utilities, vendors, and other expenses with credit cards, small businesses can lose up to 3% of their total revenue. These businesses might significantly lower the cost of these transactions if they started utilizing the Lightning Network.

Although your payment strategy has more autonomy, it also carries greater accountability. By autonomously securing cash and handling the insurance for your transactions, you effectively act as your bank. Because of this, big businesses are still worried about networks from a legal standpoint.

Less Energy Usage

Let's be honest: The myth that Bitcoin uses a lot of energy damaged the movement. However, the Lightning Network changes this. It is made to operate on a peer-to-peer network, using other people's existing connections, and scales non-proportionally to energy demand.

It permits off-chain transactions as the second layer and doesn't consume the computational resources required to verify blocks on-chain.

How To Set Up A Lightning Network?

With an out-of-the-box solution, setting up and maintaining a Lightning Network node is the simplest task. Most full Bitcoin node packages operate Lightning clients and have all the components needed to run a node packed into tiny boxes so all you have to do is plug them in and simply follow the on-screen instructions.

Here are some steps you can follow:

Step 1: Assembling Your Node

Below are the materials you need to build your Lightning node:

  • Ethernet cable

  • 32 GB SD card and adapter

  • 1 TB Samsung T7 SSD

  • Raspberry Pi 4 case

  • Raspberry Pi 4 Model

Insert the fan and the heat sinks after assembling the Raspberry Pi case.

Running your node doesn't require a Raspberry Pi. You can use your computer to operate it. Using it on your PC, however, makes it more susceptible to online attacks.

Step 2: Installing The Software

Now you must write RaspiBlitz to the memory card and install it on the Raspberry Pi. The best method for installing the program is to use the Raspberry Pi Imager. Use Umbrel if you use a standard PC.

Step 3: Connect To The Network

After you install RaspiBlitz, it will walk you through every step of creating and loading a wallet. You'll need to obtain the Bitcoin blockchain after synchronizing your wallet. This procedure could take a few hours or even a few days.

Next, open any lightning channel and connect to a node. The sending of BTC from your node is now possible!

Step 4: Decide On A Fee And Create Your Channels

Set your lightning fee for transaction forwarding after the Lightning Network has been installed and linked to your node. Additionally, you can locate Lightning channels and link to other Lightning nodes.

Open one or more payment channels to some other reliable, high-capacity node after your Lightning node is up and running to send payments through them. Your node can't send payment if you don't.

StashWave Gives You An Edge In Bitcoin Lightning Network

We get that to someone whos not technologically inclined, the information above can seem overwhelming. If you’re still unsure about what is a node, don’t worry! This is where StashWave— Kenya’s premium Bitcoin processing solution comes in!

With the help of our solution, you may send money out, settle transactions in Bitcoins and other currencies, and generate invoices of a high standard.

Users can receive and send money over the Bitcoin network using StashWave. Receivables can be obtained by exchanging LND or BTC QR Codes for invoices. They can compensate other users by employing the same procedure. Along with transferring and receiving money, cards can be used to purchase bitcoin.

Along with all this, StashWave allows its users to get started with a Bitcoin Lightning network. You’ll have full access to create and fund channels, receive payments and do much more with our APIs.

Not only is it super simple to start, but Stashwave’s node also has an incredibly high throughput and is always online. This guarantees a high success rate. Lastly, you can benefit from all this for a very affordable price. We charge 1% for channel setup and invoice transactions.

Sign up with StashWave to available of all these services or get in touch with our experts for more details!