How To Create A Profitable Lightning Network Channel Strategy

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

How To Create A Profitable Lightning Network Channel Strategy

The Lightning Network lacks a blockchain, a native asset, or a native token; it is essentially a secondary environment. You need to construct a unique event on the bitcoin blockchain called a hashed time lock agreement in order to gain access to this second tier. You inform the bitcoin blockchain that these funds are now secured and cannot be transferred until this contract is closed when you publish this transaction.

Those monies have now been unlocked and placed into a payment channel on the Lighting network.

This post highlights what a lightning network is, its different types, and why it's important before getting into the five tips you need to create a successful channel strategy.

What Is A Lightning Network?

Lightning Networks are blockchain-based cryptocurrency "second layer" payment protocols. It enables instant, high-volume micropayments that can be sent between different nodes in the network. The lightning network utilizes smart contracts and hashed timelock commitments to enable a trustless, off-chain exchange of tokens without the need for a trusted, third-party intermediary.

It is designed to scale and support millions of users with minimal fees and latency. The lightning network is still in its early stages of development but could potentially revolutionize payments by providing a secure, fast and low-cost payment solution that can be used across the globe.

What Are Lightning Network Channels?

Lightning Network channels are a type of payment channel that allows users to make and receive payments instantly, with minimal fees and almost no risk. They work by allowing two parties to both secure deposit funds into a shared Bitcoin wallet, which creates an "off-chain" channel between them.

This allows for all transactions within the channel to be made without any need to broadcast the transaction onto the main Bitcoin blockchain, resulting in much faster payments and extremely low fees. Lightning Network channels are also highly secure, as funds cannot be moved or stolen without both parties agreeing to do so. Because of this, they have become a popular way for people to transact quickly and securely with each other.

Routing Channel Vs. Free Farming Channel

When you begin to open a lightning channel, you’ll be faced with the choice of either opening a routing channel or a free farming one. Here are the main differences between them:

Routing Channel

A routing lightning channel is a type of payment channel used in the Lightning Network. Through this type of channel, users can send and receive payments to each other without needing to trust or rely on third parties for validation. This allows for fast, secure transactions between two nodes (users) on the network.

The Lightning Network also offers additional features such as multi-channel payments, off-chain transactions, and atomic swaps. With these features in place, users have more control over their funds and can transfer them faster than ever before. The Lightning Network has become an incredibly popular way for users to purchase goods and services with cryptocurrency without waiting for slow blockchain confirmations.

Additionally, routing lightning channels are becoming increasingly popular for businesses and institutions that need to move money quickly and securely between multiple locations. By using a routing lightning channel, these businesses can save time, resources, and money by avoiding costly intermediaries.

Lastly, because the Lightning Network is based on trustless technology, users do not have to worry about their funds becoming lost or stolen.

Free Farming Channel

A free farming Lightning channel is a type of payment channel that allows users to make payments without having to open and close the channel each time. It works by allowing nodes on the Lightning Network to keep a certain amount of money in escrow, which can then be used for transactions.

The funds are held in trust until they are used, meaning that fees are only charged when the channel is used. This type of payment channel enables users to save money on transaction costs, while still providing a secure way to make payments. Because of its efficiency and cost-effectiveness, free farming Lightning channels have become increasingly popular among cryptocurrency users.

Free farming Lightning channels provide an additional layer of security for users, as the funds in escrow are held in trust until they are used. This means that if a malicious actor attempts to take advantage of a user’s funds, the channel will be closed before any damage can be done.

Additionally, because of its low transaction fees, free farming Lightning channels have become increasingly popular among cryptocurrency users who want to make payments quickly and securely.

Why Are Lightning Channels Important?

Lightning channels are important because they allow users to make near-instant payments without having to wait for long confirmation times on the blockchain. Through the use of payment routing, lightning channels also enable users to send and receive payments with low transaction fees and no need for a third-party intermediary.

Furthermore, since all transactions within the channel are settled off-chain, this allows users to move funds without having to incur the cost of a transaction on the blockchain.

A lightning channel is also secure as it requires two signatures for a transaction to go through, ensuring that only parties involved in the channel can access and use its funds. All these features combine to make Lightning channels an important tool for users of cryptocurrency, making it easier and faster for them to send and receive payments without having to wait for long confirmation times or pay high fees.

Creating A Profitable Lightning Network Channel Strategy

Creating a profitable Lightning network channels strategy requires some careful consideration. First, you need to assess the number of funds that you’re comfortable with placing in a channel and the risk associated with it.

Once you’ve established an acceptable level of risk and fund amounts, it’s time to look at how you can best manage your channels. A good strategy is to diversify your funds between several channels so that any losses from one channel won’t have a dramatic effect on the profitability of your entire portfolio. Additionally, it can be useful to place liquidity in different types of channels.

Here are a few things you should keep in mind while constructing a channel strategy:

Channel Strategy 1: Find A Good Peer

It is impossible to pinpoint precisely which channels are best for generating routing fee revenue at any particular time due to the constant rivalry between nodes and the varying balance of payments among nodes.

After all, if it were feasible to foresee precisely which channels would result in disproportionate profits for routing nodes, those possibilities would swiftly draw rival nodes with more connections, bigger channels, and lower prices until the opportunities vanished.

Unpredictable payments and permissionless competition help even out the playing field for all nodes while rewarding innovation and prudent liquidity management.

While it is crucial to experiment while adding new channels, Terminal does include a channel suggestion feature that can assist in finding peers with whom to start channels in a way that is advantageous to the peer, your node and the lightning network as a whole.

Channel Strategy 2: Rebalancing

Rebalancing your Lightning Channel is the process of redistributing Bitcoin and/or Lightning capacity between two or more nodes in a payment channel. This allows for better overall liquidity distribution in the network, helping to reduce congestion on the blockchain and increasing off-chain transaction speeds. It also helps to ensure an even spread of payments across different nodes, creating a more robust network.

Rebalancing is an important tool to have when working with Lightning and can be used in many different situations, such as when channel capacity needs to be increased or decreased due to changes in usage patterns, or when the ratio of Bitcoin and/or Lightning has become too imbalanced. Rebalancing allows for fast and efficient changes to be made without the need for blockchain transactions, meaning that users can adjust their channels on-the-fly as needed.

The process of rebalancing a Lightning Channel is fairly straightforward. It involves two nodes exchanging information about the direction and amount of capacity they want to exchange. Once all details are agreed upon, the nodes will begin the process of transferring capacity between them.

This can involve exchanging Bitcoin for Lightning, or vice versa, depending on the needs of each node. Once the exchange is complete, both sides must sign off on the transaction and update their respective balance sheets accordingly.

Channel Strategy 3: Exploring Lightning Channel For Inbound Liquidity

In a Lightning Channel, two counterparties create a direct payment channel on the Bitcoin blockchain. Each party deposits a certain amount of cryptocurrency into the channel, and then they can exchange funds instantly and securely peer-to-peer with no need for traditional intermediaries such as banks or exchanges.

Lightning Channels offer several advantages compared to other methods of providing inbound liquidity. Firstly, Lightning Channels are extremely cost-effective, since there are no fees associated with transferring funds between counterparties. Secondly, Lightning Channels offer near-instant settlement times, allowing for trades to be conducted quickly and efficiently. Finally, Lightning Channels provide a secure option for inbound liquidity providers as the transactions occurring within them are cryptographically signed and can’t be reversed.

Given these advantages, Lightning Channels are becoming increasingly popular as a way to provide inbound liquidity for businesses that want to offer their customers fast and cost-effective payment options. Additionally, because Lightning Channels require no middleman, they can also be used by exchanges and other cryptocurrency providers to facilitate faster trading between users.

Channel Strategy 4: Knowing What To Charge Your Channel For

You may charge for the following for your channels:

  • Independent of the value of the forward, you choose the normal fee for a transaction. 0–3 sats are the standard base fees.

  • You establish a proportional charge in parts per million, or ppm. It usually costs nothing up to 1000ppm. 1000 ppm means that you'll charge 1000 SATs, or 0.1%, for a transaction worth one million satoshis.

The fees can be manually set in ThunderHub, RTL, or LND. That is absolutely adequate, based on how you plan to quote for your channels.

However, a program like charge-LND is very useful and may once again be automated if you wish to adjust your costs depending on the channel balance. It enables you to specify complex channel fee policies based on a number of factors.

For each channel, you should begin with a very basic policy that charges in accordance with the channel balance. As you get more understanding of the behaviour of the various channels, you can then enhance your approach to those channels.

Channel Strategy 5: Build An App Or Offer Solutions Using The Lightning Network

APIs can be integrated into a business’s systems and processes to provide automated payment support via Lightning. This could include automatically routing payments to customer accounts, processing customer invoices, or managing intra-company payments between departments. APIs can also enable businesses to create custom payment solutions tailored to their specific needs. For example, with the use of an API, businesses can set up automatic payments for recurring expenses such as rent or utilities.

By taking advantage of APIs to automate payments on the Lightning Network, businesses can achieve high performance and scalability while also reducing costs associated with manual payment processing. The use of automated payment solutions also reduces the risk of human error which can cause delays or invalid payments. In addition, APIs can be integrated with business systems easier and faster than manual processes.

Overall, using APIs to automate payments on the Lightning Network is a great way for businesses to take advantage of the benefits that the network has to offer while improving efficiency and cost savings.


If you’re interested in exploring the later channel strategy, get in touch with our experts today! StashWave will provide APIs for developers and businesses to automate payments on the Lightning network. Send money and receive instant payments. Developers do not need to set up their own nodes but leverage StashWave APIs to create channels, invoices, and bitcoin wallets.

Register with us or contact our experts for more details!